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End of Term Letter

By 16th December 2024 No Comments

Date 16th December 2024


DearĀ  Parent/Guardian

As we come towards the Christmas holidays, I am writing to remind you of the school expectations with regard to attendance. The school target for attendance is 96% for all students.

To give a context to this an attendance rate of 80% is a student who on average misses a day a week across the year. This is 5 hours each week of learning lost and over a year is 195 lost learning hours.

I am sure you agree that we need to see all pupils in school more regularly this year and achieving the target of 96% attendance.

If there are any reasons why your Son /Daughter cannot attend school then please make sure that you contact the schools Attendance Officer each morning of absence. Please be aware that there are times when we will need to request that we see medical evidence as proof of absence. This may be a prescription slip or appointment card or letter from a GP.

Please be aware that as a school we use legal interventions for students whose attendance falls below an acceptable level. It is essential that we see an improvement in attendance next year.

Chadwick High School will close to pupils at 11:30am on Friday 20th December 2024 and reopen on Monday 6th January 2025 at 0845

Yours sincerely,

Emma Driver

Attendance Manager